
we are pleased to announce that all updates and upgrades have been completed. We have taken the last few weeks to strengthen and protect our service from outside forces. We have upgraded our bandwidth in this final update and now offer gigabit connections on our server side, this will mean stronger signals and little to no buffering. We have also taken steps to strengthen our redundancy’s and auto switch to backups. With this latest outage we found the need to offer this auto switching ability to our lineup. 

If one of our data centers suffers a failure our new system will auto redirect you to the next best signal. This will prevent any downtime and changing of regional URLs. I know we are asking you to preform another URL change but this is 100% the last change you will need to make. 

Please replace the URL from M3U to


For MAG boxes


For all other MAC connections please correct


For GSE app users please use


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

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